
Development Assistance

"Empirical Knowledge, Scientific Authority, and Native Development: The Controversy over Sugar/Rice Ecology in the Netherlands East Indies, 1905–1914"

Controversy over the claim that sugar depleted the soil and stunted subsequent rice crops reached a stalemate when both sugar scientists and their critics were accused of selectively choosing evidence according to political bias…

"Property Rights, Development Policy and Depletion of Resources: The Case of the Central Rainlands of Sudan, 1940s–1980s"

Based on a case study of the Central Rainlands of Sudan, the paper challenges the assumptions and principles underlying the tragedy of the commons model and the property rights paradigm with regard to sustainability of resources owned in common.

"Gender and Environmental History: From Representation of Women and Nature to Gender Analysis of Ecology and Politics"

While gender-blindness has characterised much writing on colonial environmental history, women have assumed center-stage in the historical narratives produced by two linked contemporary policy discourses: ecofeminism, and ‘women, environment and development.’