
Development Assistance

"Getting ready for REDD+: Recognition and Donor-country Project Development Dynamics in Central Africa"

In this special issue on Disempowering Democracies, Gretchen M. Walters and Melis Ece analyze the project development negotiations in a World Bank-led REDD+ capacity building regional project, involving six Central African countries between 2008 and 2011. It explores how the project created a “negotiation table” constituted of national and regional institutions recognized by the donors and governments, and how this political space, influenced by global, regional and national political agendas, led to “instances” of recognition and misrecognition among negotiating parties.


Jennifer Hamilton’s article for the “Living Lexicon for the Environmental Humanities” section rethinks “labor” as a useful concept for the Environmental Humanities, by troubling the spectacle of the skyline of Sydney’s Central Business District: a sublime image of late Capitalist growth.


In the special section titled “Living Lexicon for the Environmental Section,” Hugo Reinert writes about the history of sacrifice and parses it as violence.

"Democracy in the Woods"

In this special issue on Disempowering Democracies, Dan Brockington reviews the book Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico (Studies in Comparative Energy and Environmental Politics) by Prakash Kashwan.