

Making Tracks: Human and Environmental Histories

About this issue

Perhaps it is a feature of environmental history in particular that our origins and our past stories shape our interests and our fields of enquiry in myriad ways. Many of the “tracks” in this volume are not well-trodden, and they lead us through a landscape that is mutable and as yet uncharted.


International Environmental History: Nature as a Cultural Challenge

About this issue

In this issue of RCC Perspectives, adapted from a 2008 proposal submitted to the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Christof Mauch and Helmuth Trischler explain why the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society was founded. They conclude by outlining the six research clusters of the RCC and highlighting its activities, which include colloquia, summer schools, international conferences, and exhibitions.


Anthropocene: Exploring the Future of the Age of Humans

About this issue

What does it mean to live in the Anthropocene? What are our responsibilities in a world where the boundaries between nature and culture are no longer clear? How do we visualize and teach the challenges of the future? The articles in this issue of RCC Perspectives reflect upon the ethics, aesthetics, and didactics of an “Age of Humans.”
