environmental justice

Pollution on the New River between the United States and Mexico

New River (Spanish: Río Nuevo), which flows between Calexico, US, and Mexicali, Mexico, is known as the most polluted waterway in North America; the pollution is responsible for a number of health, environmental, and political problems.


"Big Science and the Enchantment of Growth in Latin America"

The central theme of this article is the mirage of growth that spread in Latin American countries under the influence of the United States, during and after World War II. This historical period had significant material consequences on world landscapes, as well as a symbolic impact through the rise of the ideal of Big Science, which aggravated the material environmental impacts.

"'Rather Active Today than Radioactive Tomorrow!' Environmental Justice and the Anti-Nuclear Movement in 1970s Wyhl, West Germany"

This article applies new understandings of environmental justice theory to a specific local case study. It uses a broader conception of environmental justice theory to further our understanding of the rise of the German anti-nuclear movement.