Earth First! 27, no. 1

Earth First! 27, no. 1 reports on topics such as coal mining in Bangladesh, uprising against the fossil-fuel industry in the UK, the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, and genetically modified organisms escaping their test sites and getting into the food supply.

Earth First! Journal 20, no. 8

This issue of Earth First! Journal features various stories about the actions to defend Adnyamathanha territory in Australia, the protest against genetic engineering, and the fight against industrial agriculture in Brazil. In addition, Felix Tuodolo tells the story of how Nigerian military opened fire on youths after Shell’s oil spill.

Earth First! Journal 18, no. 1

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Josh Brown and Patrick Oliver give an update on the protests in Headwaters forest, Ayelet Hines sheds light on genetic engineering, Marty Bergoffen explains how the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a recipe for extinction, and Leslie Call reviews a book about Glen Canyon.