indigenous knowledge



A mere dream for centuries, the Northwest Passage has now become a place and a topic where scientific and traditional knowledge intersect. This is the introductory chapter of “The Northwest Passage: Myth, Environment, and Resources”—a virtual exhibition written by historian Elena Baldassarri.

The Northwest Passage as a Voyage to Myth and Adventure

The Northwest Passage as a Voyage to Myth and Adventure

Is the Arctic the last frontier? With text, audio, and video, historian Elena Baldassarri describes the historical struggle to find a passage through the perilous environments of the Far North. This is a chapter of the virtual exhibition “The Northwest Passage: Myth, Environment, and Resources.”

Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and the Politics of Postcolonial Writing

Clapperton evaluates three existing frameworks for understanding Indigenous and non-Indigenous claims to know the environment. While each framework has its strengths, they reinforce a binary between Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge and keep salvage paradigms of Indigenous knowledge alive. Clapperton calls for an enlarged definition of Indigenous knowledge that could account for boundary-crossing and Indigenous people “doing” science.