

Dirty Energy

This film investigates the cost of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster on Lousiana communities, and criticizes the relationship between British Petroleum and the U.S. government.


This film follows an entrepreneurial father of 27 children as he runs a recycling business in Sao Paulo to sustain his huge family.

Katanga Business

This film examines a mine that acts as a microcosm for globalization; illegal and legal workers, local and foreign businessmen, and politicians all navigate the new alliances that modern Africa demands.

“Artificial Apple Production in Fraiburgo, Brazil, 1958–1989”

This article, “Artificial Apple Production in Fraiburgo, Brazil, 1958–1989,” by Jó Klanovicz explores connections between the “domestication” of apples in Southern Brazil, the polemic on contaminated apples in 1989, and the reactions of the apple industry to the news published in the press on the use of pesticides in Brazilian orchards.