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Ecopolis München: Environmental Stories of Discovery is an exhibition on Munich’s environmental histories and showcases the final projects of students in the Environmental Studies Certificate Program of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.

Through the Eyes of Children

Through the Eyes of Children

The physical Ecopolis München 2019 exhibition also included a station for younger visitors. Every station was told as a story for children. After an adult reads the stories to the children, they could draw their impressions on paper at a nearby table. This station was created by Isabelle Hermannstädter.

About the Exhibition

About the Exhibition

Ecopolis München 2019: Environmental Stories of Discovery is an exhibition on Munich’s environmental histories. It showcases the final projects of students in the Environmental Studies Certificate Program of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. The stories told in this exhibition ask: to whom does the urban world belong? What do we want the urban environment of the future to look like?

A Language Without Wilderness—Italian

A Language Without Wilderness—Italian

This part of the “Wilderness Babel” exhibition, written by historian Luigi Piccioni, comes to the assumption that all the various possible Italian translations of “Wilderness Babel” are unable to transmit this synthesis of natural phenomena and human visions.

Víðerni and Öræfi—Icelandic

Víðerni and Öræfi—Icelandic

The chapter of the “Wilderness Babel” exhibition, written by historian Unnur Karlsdóttir, analyzes the Icelandic notion of wilderness which refers to the natural landscape as a space, as a visual experience, sublime and aesthetic.

Arava, Eretz Bereshit, Midbar, and Shmurat Teva—Modern Hebrew

Arava, Eretz Bereshit, Midbar, and Shmurat Teva—Modern Hebrew

This chapter of the “Wilderness Babel” exhibition, written by MSc student Livnat Goldberg, highlights different words that are used in modern Hebrew to describe “wilderness.”