nonviolent resistance

Earth First! Journal 17, no. 5

This issue of Earth First! Journal features a story about the Cascadian women who blocked the main entrance of the Hull-Oakes old-growth mill, which had been illegally releasing wastewater into Oliver Creek (Willamette River) for years. In addition, Hazel discusses sexism and power dynamics within the Earth First! movement, and Jana Thomas places focus on the rain forest of the North American West Coast.

Earth First! Journal 17, no. 3

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Craig Beneville encourages Earth First!ers to find their inner wild in order to make a change for the planet. In addition, “Lock-on Liz” Ingham gives an update on the blockades against destruction of Australian old-growth tree ferns, and How Kuff tells a brief story on the history of the Forest Service.

Earth First! Journal 17, no. 1 [misprinted as 16, no. 8]

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Hugh Morose gives an update on the protests against salvage logging of Redwood groves in the Headwaters forest. In addition, Ken Wu discusses Earth First! and its shift towards protecting biodiversity instead of wilderness preservation, and Angela Schmitz reports about the new truce over the Tongass National Forest in southeast Alaska.

Earth First! Journal 16, no. 5

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Diana Wilson reveals information showing massive land giveaway on British Columbia’s mainland coast. In addition, Kieran Suckling, Dana Stolzman, and Cecelia Lanman contribute some thoughts on “Bad Money and Big Activism,” and Mike Howell calls for attention to the wolves of Yukon.

Earth First! Journal 16, no. 4

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Jim Flynn dedicates his editorial to discussing how to think global. Moreover, Mitch Friedman crushes myths regarding civil disobedience and Ron Huber brings good news from the coast of Maine, where the state government finally decided to throw in the towel on a proposed mega-woodchip port.