nonviolent resistance

Earth First! 24, no. 4

In Earth First! 24, no. 4 Chuk’Shon EF! reports on the sabotage of a mountain lions hunt in the Sonoran Desert, Abigail is pleased about Bayer’s withdrawal from growing GE maize in Britain, and Kim Antieu reflects on the annual pesticide spraying by US county and state departments, farmers and homeowners.

Earth First! 24, no. 3

In Earth First! 24, no. 3 Nora Ludd describes the continuing struggle against biotechnology, the Water Defense Committee refers to the fight against water privatization, and Jason Tockman recaps lessons from a corporate-environmental forest alliance in Chile.

Earth First! 24, no. 2

In Earth First! 24, no. 2 ShiKatene describes the protest against the exemption of the Tongass National Forest from the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, Paul Watson reports from the front against dolphin slaughter in Japan, and Joris Vandenbosch covers Groen-Front!’s direct action against the enlargement of a theme park in Dutch age-old Entwood forest.

Earth First! 24, no. 1

Earth First! 24, no. 1 features news from Bolivia’s Landless Workers Movement, a glimpse into the Earth Liberation Front’s fight against SUVs, an account of the Prestige oil spill off the coast of Spain, and the catechism of the “church of deep ecology.”

Earth First! 23, no. 6

Earth First! 23, no. 6 features articles on gender issues in eco, social, justice and anarchist movements, how to wild the revolution, south EF!’s fight against the logging industry, and the resistance of the Aboriginal women of South Australia against nuclear waste in their backyard.

Earth First! 23, no. 4

In Earth First! 23, no. 4 Patrick Reinsborough reports on the massive uprising in San Francisco against the US invasion of Iraq, James John Bell draws the connections between literature and eco-resistance, Sprig reflects on water and civilization, and Stiki presents the “ecoherbalist’s manifesto.”

Earth First! Journal 23, no. 1

Earth First! Journal 23, no. 1 is dedicated to the topic of direct action: it feature a report on the 2002 Round River Rendezvous and the Eco-Bloc against the World Bank and IMF, both in Washington, and presents the Rupert Reverence, a group of dissident Cree, French Canadian locals and eco-tourist companies.