
"Confessing Anthropocene"

Stefan Skrimshire considers the ethical question of how to communicate with future human societies in terms of long-term disposal of radioactive fuel. He proposes that the confessional form (as propagated by Saint Augustine and critiqued by Derrida) may become increasingly pertinent to activists, artists, and faith communities making sense of humanity’s ethical commitments in deep time.

"Evaluating the 'Ethical Matrix' as a Radioactive Waste Management Deliberative Decision-Support Tool"

The paper “Evaluating the ‘Ethical Matrix’ as a Radioactive Waste Management Deliberative Decision-Support Tool” by Matthew Cotton outlines the strengths and limitations of the matrix as well as a framework for the development of alternative tools to better satisfy the needs of ethical assessment in radioactive waste management decision-making processes.

ALARM no. 11

The local group Massachusetts Earth First! has produced this issue of the ALARM. In it, readers are asked to write letters of encouragement to prisoners of conscience; Don Ogden calls for attention to the Western Abenaki people and their struggle for the health of their fishing waters; and Barbara McGovern updates readers on the radioactive waste management proposal in Massachusetts.