

“A huge variety of possibilities”: Interview with Nobel Laureate Paul Crutzen on his life, his career in research, and his views on the Anthropocene idea

“A huge variety of possibilities”: Interview with Nobel Laureate Paul Crutzen on his life, his career in research, and his views on the Anthropocene idea

This interview with Paul Crutzen is a chapter of the virtual exhibition “Welcome to the Anthropocene: The Earth in Our Hands”—written and curated by historian Nina Möllers.

About the exhibition

About the exhibition

This is a chapter of the virtual exhibition “Welcome to the Anthropocene: The Earth in Our Hands”—written and curated by historian Nina Möllers.

Cahokia: America’s Ancient Metropolis

The ancient Native American city of Cahokia supported an estimated 20,000 residents at its height and featured scores of earthen mounds. However, by 1400 it was abandoned.

Novas Histórias Ambientais da América Latina e do Caribe

About this issue

Esta coletânea reúne alguns dos principais estudiosos das histórias ambientais da América Latina e do Caribe. Ela sugere novas perspectivas para discutir o desenvolvimento do continente no período pós-colonial. Estes ensaios narram histórias variadas sobre as interações complexas entre sociedades, estados, territórios e ecossistemas. Eles questionam narrativas anteriormente aceitas e abrem novos horizontes de interpretação.


"Integrating Multiple Knowledge Systems into Environmental Decision-Making: Two Case Studies of Participatory Biodiversity Initiatives in Canada and Their Implications for Conceptions"

Drawing upon two case studies of biodiversity initiatives in Canada, this paper looks at the role that constructivist conceptions of education play in the integration of alternative knowledge systems in environmental decision-making.