
Novas Histórias Ambientais da América Latina e do Caribe

About this issue

Esta coletânea reúne alguns dos principais estudiosos das histórias ambientais da América Latina e do Caribe. Ela sugere novas perspectivas para discutir o desenvolvimento do continente no período pós-colonial. Estes ensaios narram histórias variadas sobre as interações complexas entre sociedades, estados, territórios e ecossistemas. Eles questionam narrativas anteriormente aceitas e abrem novos horizontes de interpretação.


Yearley, Steve, Steve Cinderby, John Forrester, Peter Bailey, and Paul Rosen, "Participatory Modelling and the Local Governance of the Politics of UK Air Pollution: A Three-City Case Study"

While some have argued that, in democratic societies, people simply have a right to a participatory role, others base arguments for public participation on the idea that lay people may have access to knowledge which is unknown to officially sanctioned experts. This paper reports on a novel empirical approach called “participatory modelling” to analyse and capture such “lay” understandings.

Nature and Territory in the Making of Brazil

During the colonial period, human occupation of Brazil was sparse, fragmented, and uneven. The most significant transformations in rural and urban landscapes in Brazil began in the mid-twentieth century, as part of a broader process of social and economic transformation which brought urbanisation and industrialisation to Brazil.

Nuevas historias ambientales de América Latina y el Caribe

About this issue

Esta colección reúne a algunos de los académicos más destacados en el estudio de las historias ambientales de América Latina y el Caribe para proponer nuevas perspectivas sobre el desarrollo poscolonial del continente. Estos ensayos narran historias variadas de interacciones complejas entre grupos sociales, estados y sus ambientes, y proveen nuevos ángulos para enriquecer las interpretaciones más conocidas.
