This film follows an entrepreneurial father of 27 children as he runs a recycling business in Sao Paulo to sustain his huge family.
This film follows an entrepreneurial father of 27 children as he runs a recycling business in Sao Paulo to sustain his huge family.
This film criticizes the socioeconomic system of the Washington Consensus as being insufficient for overcoming global poverty, and argues that it is based on centuries of exploitation.
In 1992, a 12-year-old girl named Severn addressed the UN about climate change. Now grown up and expecting a child, she explains how much must still be done.
This film examines political and economic crises and the role of a corporate military-industrial context in undermining democracy, and is narrated by actor Woody Harrelson.
This film explores how various communities around the world are transitioning to a more sustainable and local way of life.
This film investigates the crises facing China’s environment from the perspectives of four activists.
This film follows the inhabitants of an ancient Carpathian village as they resist its destruction by a Romanian-Canadian corporation, which plans to turn it into Europe’s largest mine for gold and silver.
This film reports on the eviction of villages near Mubende by the Ugandan army to clear land for a coffee plantation.
This film examines the life of a German town some decades after a nuclear plant inspired nationwide resistance.
A couple competes to live with zero waste for a whole year, with comedic results.