
"Historical Evidence for Climate Instability and Environmental Catastrophes in Northern Syria and the Jazira: The Chronicle of Michael the Syrian"

The article argues that diversified subsistence and a high degree of flexibility were essential for ancient Mesopotamian societies to absorb the many risks that life in this marginal semiarid environment involved.

"A Soil Conservation Safari: Hugh Bennett's 1944 Visit to South Africa"

Hugh Bennett, then Chief of the United States Soil Conservation Service, paid a two-month official visit to South Africa in 1944, a trip that threw into relief, inter alia, the administrative division between the Department of Agriculture, responsible for soil conservation on white-owned farms, and the Department of Native Affairs, responsible for soil conservation in so-called ‘native areas.’

"Weeds, People and Contested Places"

The author explores some of the expressions of the changes in human perceptions of, and responses to, a group of plants with which people have had to contend for places, and the deeper cultural significances of the contest itself. New Zealand’s discrete landscape and the settler society is the context in which Clayton further develops his analysis.