

"Ju/'hoansi Lodging in a Namibian Conservancy: CBNRM, Tourism and Increasing Domination"

In this Special Section on the Green Economy in the South, Stasja Koot and Walter van Beek argue that a Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) program in the Nyae Nyae Conservancy in Namibia, with a strong focus on tourism, has dominated and changed the environment of the Ju/’hoansi Bushmen.

Between Stewardship and Exploitation: Private Tourism, State Parks, and Environmentalism

DeWitt explores tensions between national parks, private sector tourism, and environmentalism. Although private business owners feel connected to nature and play a role in park guardianship, a longstanding mistrust of private sector activity in and around national parks means their voices are often overlooked. The article calls for greater attention to the significance of gateway communities.