This film follows two young men fighting to preserve the Ecuadorean Amazon. One is a member of the indigenous Cofan tribe, sent to the US for a Western education as a child; the other is an American college student.
This film follows the efforts of the city of San Francisco to reach zero waste.
This film discusses many of the themes surrounding water issues, especially privatization.
This film documents the effect of chemical and pesticide residuals on the Inuit community of Greenland, where they are carried by oceans and snow. It also examines the situations of those around the globe who must use these pesticides to survive.
New River (Spanish: Río Nuevo), which flows between Calexico, US, and Mexicali, Mexico, is known as the most polluted waterway in North America; the pollution is responsible for a number of health, environmental, and political problems.
This film recounts the story of activists aboard the Greenpeace ship Arctic 30. Protesting against the first oil drilling in the Arctic ocean, they were jailed by Russia and charged with piracy and hooliganism, sparking a bitter international dispute.
This film exposes the dangerous environmental practices common in the meat and poultry production industry.
This film follows two friends as they travel the full length of the sacred Ganges River in India.