

Further Reading

Further Reading

What follows is a selected bibliography on Munich’s environmental history. The list is not comprehensive, but is intended merely as an introduction for readers interested in learning more about some of the research from which the exhibition Ecopolis draws. Most titles are in German.


Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München. 125 Jahre Münchner Müllabfuhr. Jubiläumsschrift 1891–2016. München: Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München, 2016.

Sound Trail

Sound Trail

Stimmenspur: How does the English Garden sound?

Beyond the Exhibition

Beyond the Exhibition

What is Particular about Munich’s Environment?

Ecopolis Catalogue

Ecopolis Catalogue

Cover of the Ecopolis München catalogue


Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Apart from a diverse and previously unknown fauna, explorations and receding ice caps have uncovered a sought-after abundance of natural resources in the Arctic region. Historian Elena Baldassarri argues that the exploitation of these resources not only constitutes a threat to the non-human world, but also to the Inuit people. This is a chapter of the virtual exhibition “The Northwest Passage: Myth, Environment, and Resources.”

The Northwest Passage as a Voyage to Myth and Adventure

The Northwest Passage as a Voyage to Myth and Adventure

Is the Arctic the last frontier? With text, audio, and video, historian Elena Baldassarri describes the historical struggle to find a passage through the perilous environments of the Far North. This is a chapter of the virtual exhibition “The Northwest Passage: Myth, Environment, and Resources.”

The Northwest Passage as a Question of Sovereignty

The Northwest Passage as a Question of Sovereignty

To whom does the Northwest Passage belong? Historian Elene Baldassarri writes about the politics of the Far North. This is a chapter of the virtual exhibition “The Northwest Passage: Myth, Environment, and Resources.”