

Weather Matters

“Understanding the human implications of climate change,” the tagline of the Weather Matters hub, reveals it as a space for conversation among scholars and stakeholders concerned about climate change.

The 11th Hour

The 11th Hour stresses the urgency of the issues plaguing our planet, and the current generation’s pivotal role in tackling them. It features several leaders and experts and is narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio.

"Blaming It on the Weather: The Role of “Inclement” Rainfall in Society-Nature Relations in Liberal Costa Rica (1860-1940)"

This article seeks to shed light on some of the many possible interactions between changes in rainfall regime, one of the climatic factors with the greatest bearing on the history of human society, and the economic and socio-environmental dynamics of Costa Rica.

"Responses to Air Pollution Based on Historical and Current Policies in the EU and ASEAN"

The authors seek to ascertain if ASEAN can respond to regional human-induced environmental problems given existing problems of national sovereignty and the interest-based character of ASEAN-type associations, since ASEAN’s goal, in contrast to that of the EU, has been regional cooperation rather than regional integration. The aim is to highlight the status of the respective policy frameworks and exemplify areas in which the regions can learn from one another in the field of air pollution, given its global relevance for climate change.