Kalabagh Dam, Pakistan

While the Kalabagh Dam Project was initiated in 1953 as an irrigation project to use the waters of the Indus River to irrigate infertile lands in Pakistan, it soon developed into a major effort to generate hydroelectric power for the Pakistani province of Punjab. The project is still contested, especially by the Pakistani province of Sindh, located downstream the Indus. One major consequence of the dam for the Sindh province would be increased salination, while revenues of the dam remained in Punjab. Protests from politicians and environmentalists have stalled the project since the 1980s.

Further Readings: 
  • Dorcey, Tony, ed. Large Dams: Learning from the Past, Looking at the Future. IUCN/The World Bank Workshop Proceedings, Gland, Switzerland, 11–12 April, 1997.
  • Kreutzmann, Hermann. "Knappe Ressourcen: Bewässerung und Energiegewinnung." In Wegweiser zur Geschichte: Pakistan, edited on behalf of the Military History Research Institute, Potsdam, by Bernhard Chiari, and Conrad Schetter, 199-214. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2010. View PDF