About this collection

The international journal Global Environment: A Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences aims to act as a forum and echo chamber for ongoing investigations on the environment and world history, with special regard to the modern and contemporary periods. Its intent is to stimulate and gather studies and research that, in spite of a diversity of approaches and themes, share an environmental perspective on world history in its various facets, including economic development, social and production relations, government, and relations between peoples–and to thus overcome the limitations of a Western-centric historiography. (Text adapted from the journal’s homepage).

Showing 16–30 of 101 results
"Knechtsand: A Site of Memory in Flux"
Wöbse, Anna-Katharina
"Forest and Grassland: Recent Trends in Russian Environmental History"
Dills, Randall
"From Yellowstone to Australia and New Zealand: National Parks 2.0"
Frost, Warwick, and Jennifer Laing
"From the Periphery to the Center: North American Environmental History"
Isenberg, Andrew C.
"Apples and Experts: Evolving Notions of Sustainable Agriculture"
Ivey, Linda L.
"Moving Beyond the Nation State? Reflections on European Environmental History"
Kalb, Martin
"Environmental Change, Control and Management in Africa"
Kwashirai, Vimbai C.
"Climatic Changes in the Carpathian Basin during the Middle Ages. The State of Research"
Vadas, András, and Lajos Rácz
"The Environmental Impacts of Japan’s Occupation of West Malaysia (1942-45) and its Socio-Economic Implications"
Kathirithamby-Wells, Jeyamalar
“War and Natural Resources in History: Introduction”
Laakkonen, Simo, and Richard Tucker
"Some Reflections on the Causes and Effects of the Global Food Crisis"
Quagliarotti, Desirée A.L.
"'All That Country Will Be Taken Up by the Thrifty Settler': Migration, Environment, and the Cutover Lands of Minnesota, USA from the 1890s to the 1930s"
Brown, Kevin
"The Desert and the Garden: Climate as Attractor and Obstacle in the Settlement History of the Western United States"
Culver, Lawrence
"Post-Disaster Migrations and Returns in Sicily: The 1908 Messina Earthquake and the 1968 Belice Valley Earthquake"
Parrinello, Giacomo
"Environmental Migration as Planned Livelihood Among the Rebaris of Western Rajasthan, India"
Singh, Vipul