About this collection

The international journal Global Environment: A Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences aims to act as a forum and echo chamber for ongoing investigations on the environment and world history, with special regard to the modern and contemporary periods. Its intent is to stimulate and gather studies and research that, in spite of a diversity of approaches and themes, share an environmental perspective on world history in its various facets, including economic development, social and production relations, government, and relations between peoples–and to thus overcome the limitations of a Western-centric historiography. (Text adapted from the journal’s homepage).

Showing 31–45 of 101 results
"Survival Strategies and the Environment: The Siwalik Forest Commons, 19th and 20th Centuries"
Chakravarty-Kaul, Minoti
“Urbanists and the Environment Between Technique and Politics: The Case of Italy from the Sixties to the Present”
Corona, Gabriella
"Big Science and the Enchantment of Growth in Latin America"
Cuvi, Nicolás
"The Vulnerability of Nations: Food Security in the Aftermath of World War II"
Hamblin, Jacob Darwin
"World War II and the 'Great Acceleration' of North Atlantic Fisheries"
Holm, Poul
"'Rather Active Today than Radioactive Tomorrow!' Environmental Justice and the Anti-Nuclear Movement in 1970s Wyhl, West Germany"
Kalb, Martin
"The Environmental Impacts of Japan’s Occupation of West Malaysia (1942-45) and its Socio-Economic Implications"
Kathirithamby-Wells, Jeyamalar
“War and Natural Resources in History: Introduction”
Laakkonen, Simo, and Richard Tucker
"World Water Day 2012. 'Water and Food Security: The World is Thirsty Because We are Hungry'"
Quagliarotti, Desiree
"Environmental Experiences of Chinese People in the Mid-Nineteenth Century Australian Gold Rushes"
Fei Sheng
"Blaming It on the Weather: The Role of “Inclement” Rainfall in Society-Nature Relations in Liberal Costa Rica (1860-1940)"
Goebel McDermott, Anthony, and Ronny J. Viales Hurtado
"Responses to Air Pollution Based on Historical and Current Policies in the EU and ASEAN"
Goodsite, Michael, Catherine Wong Mei Ling, Ole Hertel, and Lars Moseholm
"Environmental Change and Chronic Famine in Manbhum, Bengal District, 1860-1910"
Mahato, Nirmal Kumar
"Looking Back to Move Forward: Using History to Understand the Consensual Forest Management Model in the Terai, Nepal"
Satyal Pravat, Poshendra
"Limitations of Environmental Success Without Successful Environmental Policy"
Schönach, Paula