About this collection

Interdisciplinary in scope and centered on the environmental humanities, this unique, burgeoning selection of articles from academic journals highlights current areas of debate on links between environment and society. It features journals such as Environmental Values, Environment and History, Global Environment, Environmental Humanities, Climate of the Past, International Review of Environmental History, and Conservation & Society.
Showing 541–555 of 1226 results
"World Poverty, Animal Minds and the Ethics of Veterinary Expenditure"
Hadley, John, and Siobhan O'Sullivan
"Darwin and Wallace as Environmental Philosophers"
Benton, Ted
“Putting the Rise of the Inca Empire within a Climatic and Land Management Context”
Alex Chepstow-Lusty et al.
"Forest Conservation and the Reciprocal Timber Trade between New Zealand and New South Wales, 1880s–1920s"
Stubbs, Brett J.
"Imperial Ethos, Dominions Reality: Forestry Education in New Zealand and Australia, 1910–1965"
Roche, Michael M., and John Dargavel
"Trees of Gold and Men Made Good? Grand Visions and Early Experiments in Penal Forestry in New South Wales, 1913–1938"
Taylor, Benedict
"Tree Planting in Canterbury, New Zealand, 1850–1910"
Star, Paul
"Colonial Geographies of Settlement: Vegetation, Towns, Disease and Well-Being In Aotearoa/New Zealand, 1830s–1930s"
Beattie, James
“Introduction,” in “Trans-Tasman Forest History special issue.” Special issue, Environment and History 14, no. 4 (November 2008).
Stubbs, Brett J., Paul Star, and Michael M. Roche
"The Banks Peninsula Forests and Akaroa Cocksfoot: Explaining a New Zealand Forest Transition"
Wood, Vaughan, and Eric Pawson
"Environmental Failure, Success and Sustainable Development: The Hauraki Plains Wetlands Through Four Generations of New Zealanders"
Hatvany, Matthew
“Three Dimensions of Environmental History”
Hughes, J. Donald
"A Native American System of Wetland Agriculture in Different Ecosystems in the Ecuadorian Andes (15th–18th Centuries)"
Caillavet, Chantal
"Riding the Tide: Indigenous Knowledge, History and Water in a Changing Australia"
Goodall, Heather
"Biodiversity and Traditional Land Use in South-Central Sweden: The Significance of Management Timing"
Dahlström, Anna, Tommy Lennartsson, and Jörgen Wissman