About this collection

Stora Sjöfallet National Park in Northern Sweden. Established in 1909 under Sweden’s first major conservation legislature.
Stora Sjöfallet National Park in Northern Sweden. Established in 1909 under Sweden’s first major conservation legislature.
2007 Alexandre Buisse
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The creation of national parks—anywhere in the world—can only be understood in the context of the time and place in which this occurred.
—Jane Carruthers
The Rachel Carson Center and the European Society for Environmental History invite all scholars of nature conservation to contribute to this collection of short online entries about the creation of national parks around the world as part of the Arcadia project. In order to ensure a minimal coherency among these entries, all contributors were asked to address the following questions:
- What is the context of the time and place of your park’s creation?
- What is particular about your park?
- Are there transnational connections of special importance, e.g., to other parks or protected areas or conservation models?
Collection chair is Patrick Kupper
(Institute for History and European Ethnology, University of Innsbruck)