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2 077 456

"Integrated Measures of Indigenous Land and Sea Management Effectiveness: Challenges and Opportunities for Improved Conservation Partnerships in Australia"

Looking at cases of Indigenous land and sea management in Australia, Austin et al. suggest four ways Indigenous groups and institutional investors can work together to establish meaningful criteria for ensuring effective conservation outcomes.

"Thinking About Inheritance Through the Figure of the Anthropocene, from the Antipodes and in the Presence of Others"

In this article for a special section on “Inheriting the Ecological Legacies of Settler Colonialism,” Lesley Instone and Affrica Taylor engage with the figure of the Anthropocene as the impetus for rethinking the messy environmental legacies of Australian settler colonialism.


In this article for the special section “Living Lexicon for the Environmental Humanities,” Emily O’Gorman unpacks “belonging” through her research on environmental histories of rice growing in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area, located in south-central New South Wales, Australia.