Nature's Past episode 69: “Environmental Racism and Canadian History”
In episode 69 of Nature’s Past, a podcast on Canadian environmental history, Sean Kheraj interviews Ingrid Waldron on environmental racism.
In episode 69 of Nature’s Past, a podcast on Canadian environmental history, Sean Kheraj interviews Ingrid Waldron on environmental racism.
In this episode from the New Books Network podcast, David Moon, Nicholas Breyfogle, and Alexandra Bekasova are interviewed on their book, Place and Nature: Essays in Russian Environmental History
Nicole Seymour on her Rachel Carson Center project.
Jenny Price on her Rachel Carson Center project.
Philippe-Sirice Bridel’s youthful diary synthesizes the political and aesthetic issues related to nature, showing the environmental sensibility of the time.
In this episode from the New Books Network podcast, Matthew S. Henry is interviewed on his recent book, Hydronarratives: Water, Environmental Justice, and a Just Transition.
What is the defense of water in Oaxaca, Mexico?
The article explores the circulation of environmental ignorance on Drimys winteri in European written sources in 1578–1776.
Book excerpt from Turning to Nature in Germany by John Alexander Williams.
An essay by Bron Taylor on Dave Foreman first published in the edited volume Wildeor: The Wild Life and Living Legacy of Dave Foreman (Essex Editions, 2023).