Content Index

The Oso Mudslide on 22 March 2014 results in massive destruction and over forty deaths in the rural community of Oso, Washington, which sits in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains.

The Sydney Tar Ponds are a huge waste site in Nova Scotia, Canada that contains large amounts of toxic chemicals. The ponds formed in a river mouth, where steel corporations let their largely coal-based pollutants and sludge drain off for many decades.

The Haber Process is a chemical process that converts ammonia into nitrogen and oxygen gas. Nitrogen is an extremely potent fertilizer, and prior to its chemical mass production, was only available in bird and bat feces. The invention of this process and its large-scale use starting in 1913 revolutionized agriculture around the world.

The paper examines the increasing trend of philanthropic bodies and private individuals to invest in the conservation of Australia’s biodiversity. This is seen as part of a more general Western trend in which Australian organizations are linked to bodies such as the large US-based Nature Conservancy.

This paper examines the relationship between technologies that aim to remediate pollution and moral responsibility. The authors argue that such technologies do not exculpate polluters of responsibility.

This article reaches the conclusion that, contrary to what has often been thought and recently argued, the impact of Darwin’s theory is precisely to liberate us to lead the most meaningful of lives.

This article explores the relationship between disasters and the population movements in two case studies: The 1908 Messina earthquake and the 1968 Belice Valley earthquake.

This paper suggests that environmental migration in western Rajasthan, once viewed as a response to drought and famine, has also developed into a planned livelihood strategy.

This article explores the connection between the significant health improvements made in the developing world, particularly after World War II, and the goal of providing clean water and sanitation services to large urban centers in these countries.

This article analyzes how people in the Bolivian Andes cope with environmental stress. Specifically, it examines the role environmental migration - a strategic mechanism to build up financial, productive, and social capital - plays in how people cope with climate change.