Content Index

This article looks at the history of colonial forest policies in South India to argue that initially British destroyed most the accessible forests and used desiccationist fears to justify the colonial state’s monopolistic control over the forests.

In this article the author poses the question whether rationality can be the reason why humans deserve moral consideration and animals do not.

The author’s aim in this paper is to show, by means of a phenomenological investigation, that the “scepticism regarding animal minds” presupposes an implausible account of how we relate to others, both humnan and nonhuman.

This article argues that hunting is not a sport, but a neo-traditional cultural trophic practice consistent with ecological ethics, including a meliorist concern for animal rights or welfare.

After showing that Rolston’s and Callicott’s value theories are fundamentally flawed, the author demonstrates that a value theory grounded in neoclassical, or process, metaphysics avoids the problems in, and incorporates insights from, these accounts.

This article sketches the contours of the emerging paradigm: a complementary system of traditional and modern methods of water provision, a participatory water resources management and a ‘post-mechanistic’ ethico-religious framework.

This article compares the thoughts of Darwin and Wallace on human evolution and the relations between humans and the rest of nature.

This article examines if the material and non-material values of nature can be reconciled and looks at the ecosystem services and the ‘elements of nature’ frameworks.

This article examines whether and how Aldo Leopold was influenced by American Pragmatism, a formal school of philosophy.

This article examines a trend in town-planning studies known as “reformist” that developed in Italy and marked a deep change in land management concepts. Beginning in the Sixties, it sought to reform the economic growth to limit its negative social and environmental impact.