Content Index

This film follows the impacts of fishing on the Ross Sea, a deep bay of Antarctica’s southern ocean.

At the 1873 annual meeting of AAAS, Franklin B. Hough argued for protection of America’s forests and conducted the first national investigation of wildland fire.

The Garmisch cat murder trial spotlights the hostility of the bird protection community towards felines.

The Sardar Sarovar Dam is constructed in India to aid in the country’s industrialization, providing irrigation, electricity, and economic stimulus. After heavy controversy and international pressures to examine the costs of the project, the World Bank cuts financial assistance, exposing the social costs surrounding modernization and wide scale infrastructure projects.

The Earth First! movement is expanding and Dave Foreman points out some growing pains as a result of EF!’s increased visibility. This issue also provides news about the protests against logging of Redwood forests, reports on the threatened Wilderness and wolves in the Northern Rockies, and a call for freeing the public lands.

In this issue of Earth First!, Dave Foreman puts emphasis on the fact that EF! cannot encompass the entire environmental movement. The protests held by EF!ers against MAXXAM Redwood logging are featured, M. Robinson gives an update about the arrest of eight protesters against the Mountain Lion Hunt in California, and the “The Earth First! California Deserts National Park Wilderness Proposal” is presented.

In this issue of Earth First!, David Cross brings positive news from the Sinkyone Wilderness, Mike Bader calls for attention to the oil well plans in the “America’s Serengeti,” George Wuerthner reports from the conference “Beyond Boundaries: Saving Whole Ecosystems,” and much more.

In this issue of Earth First!, Mary Sojourner gives an update on the actions against extraction of uranium in Grand Canyon, W.J. Lines asks the question of whether Deep Ecology is deep enough, Professor Bill Devall reviews the third wave of environmentalists, and Ed Grumbine investigates what Coca-Cola is doing to the rainforests in Belize.

In this issue of Earth First!, Chant Thomas writes about the “Return to Bald Mountain” and the “second battle of the North Kalmiopsis,” while Roger Featherstone gives an update on the fight against uranium mining at the Grand Canyon.

In this issue of Earth First!, Howie Wolke debates the negative consequences of roadbuilding on the public lands. Captain Paul Watson gives an update about the butchering of whales on Iceland, Laura Gold sorts out the concept of Wilderness, and the Earth First!ers of the LA area call for a boycott of the Los Angeles Zoo.