Content Index

This film follows Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa’s plan to avoid exploiting its Amazonian oil fields and convince industrialized countries to help fund this initiative.

Oakfield Wisconsin survives a direct strike from an F5 tornado on July 18th, 1996 without a single fatality. Although property damage is extensive, the outcome could have been far worse.

This film follows a woman who returns to modern, neoliberal Nicaragua to find the Sandinista woman soldier she filmed during the armed rebellion over two decades earlier.

This film examines a project in Baltimore’s public schools to transform the school food programs, making them more nutritious and connected to local food systems.

In this issue of Earth First!, Dave Foreman questions the rule for successful environmental advocacy, Todd Steiner denounces the dolphin slaughter in the eastern tropical Pacificic Ocean, Tanja Keogh discusses the US government Animal Damage Control (ADC), and much more.

In this issue of Earth First!, the editors launch three new columns to the growing newspaper.

In this issue of Earth First!, Daniel Conner brings forward a controversial discussion about AIDS as a solution to environmental problems.

The Earth First! celebrates its 7th anniversary and Dave Foreman provides us with stories from the past. George Wuerthner proposes a new national park in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, and Chim Blea discusses why the political left has attacked the Deep Ecology/Earth First! movements.

This film follows resistance to mining companies and the Peruvian government by local residents, focusing on the small town of Tambogrande.

Jeremy Irons leads the viewer around the world as he explores the worst effects of the amount of waste humans produce, and what can be done about it.