Content Index

Wild Earth 1, no. 4. on Canadian wilderness laws and national parks, how a proposed copper mine in Canada is threatening the rivers Tatshenshini and Alsek, and the hidden costs of developing natural gas reserves.

Johan Rockstrom works to redefine sustainability, and identifies nine “planetary boundaries” that can guide us in protecting our planet’s many overlapping ecosystems.

In their article, John O’Neill and Clive L. Splash analyse how local processes of envrionmental decision-making can enter into good policy-making processes.

This paper aims to introduce the German Romantic poet Novalis into the discussion of the modern ecological crisis.

An account of the destruction in Nuremberg by major flooding along the Pegnitz River.

A curious and memorable incident with mice around the village Brochdorp near Hannover in 1675.

The Bhopal chemical disaster on 3 December 1984 was the most tragic chemical disaster in history. Over 500,000 people were exposed to the toxic gas methyl isocyanate leaking from the tanks at Union Carbide Corporation’s (UCC) pesticide plant, many of whom died instantly or of the consequences. People living in the Bhopal area still suffer from toxic water and ground contamination today ; there is a very high number of aborts and disabled children. The company responsible for the incident never took full responsibility.

In 1948 the Giant Mine became a major producer of gold and eventually arsenic trioxide, presenting major pollution problems for local First Nations and a long term legacy issue as 237,000 tons of arsenic remains buried in underground chambers.

In this article, Elisa Aaltola and Markku Oksanen examine the case of springtime bird hunting in Aland from a moral point of view.