Content Index

In this paper, Alexander K. Lautensach tries to answer the following questions: to what extent and in what respects can ecologists be regarded as motivated by environmentalist values? What other values might contribute to their motivations?

Divergent values are often at the heart of natural resource conflict. Sarah Fleisher Trainor analyses those using the case study of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in southern Utah, USA.

In this paper, Tony Lynch and David Wells argue that environmental politics needs more than piecemeal institutional efforts or calls for a set of ‘new’ values and that is a realistic, comprehensive, and effective policy programme.

In his article, Stefan Mann presents different perspectives on cross-compliance.

In his article, Walter K. Dodds tries to answer the question of whether we can control humanity’s hitherto endless appetite for resources before we irreparably harm the global ecosystem and cause the extinction of even more species.

Allan Greenbaum presents his notion of nature connoisseurship.

In this paper Michael S. Carolan looks at Michel Foucault and Fernand Braudel’s conception of how economy enters into nature.

This paper reflects on Merleau-Ponty’s environmental thinking.

In this article, David E. Cooper discusses Heidegger’s view on nature.

Reply to Stanley Warner’s response in Environmental Values 13.3 to the article by Carol Kates in Environmental Values 13.1.