Content Index

Guy Claxton discusses the role of self-transformation methodologies, associated with spiritual traditions such as Buddhism, towards changing dysfunctional habits of consumption.

Mary Midgley explores if there is a necessary clash between concern for animals and concern for the environment as a whole.

Bryan G. Norton makes a case for why economists must engage in interdisciplinary work that will clarify how preferences in relation to the environment are formed, criticised, and reformed.

Jack L. Knetsch discusses the contingent valuation of people’s willingness to pay in relation to environmental valuation.

Dan Vadnjal and Martin O’Connor report on the results of a survey designed to obtain information on how people interpret questions of paying to avoid changes in their views of Rangitoto Island.

Wilfred Beckerman discusses “sustainable development” and “sustainability” in relation to welfare maximization.

The expanding popularity of Komodo National Park has engendered conflicts over access to its resources and tourism revenue.

The Bavarian Forest National Park, situated in South-Eastern Germany along the boundary with the Czech Republic, was established as the country’s first national park in October 1970.

David Sumner and Peter Gilmour discuss the arguments relating to radiation mortality, arguing them to be rooted in a utilitarian system of moral philosophy.

Mark Sagoff discusses the four dogmas of environmental economics.