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This article examines in a historical perspective (1930–1970) the water conflicts that have occurred due to technological transformation in water lifting devices (viz.: electric and oil-engine pumpsets) in the agricultural sector in the old Kalingarayan channel and new Lower Bhavani Project canal of the Bhavani River Basin in Tamil Nadu.

When World War Two broke out, Fiji’s colonial administration assumed emergency powers to marshal the civilian population to produce goods and services for the war effort, particularly the support of American and New Zealand military personnel based there during 1942–43…

This article examines the alienation of water users in the lower Colorado River Basin from the river and its delta during the twentieth century.

During the twentieth century, two different ways of relating with nature interacted in Panama…

This medieval environmental history examines the tenth-century industrial and trade town of Wolin which grew rapidly on an island immediately off the northwestern coast of Poland.

In this article whaling and walrus hunting and their impact on the environment is reconstructed. Annual catch records and shipping logs made it possible to calculate the original size of the populations and to reconstruct their original migration in the Greenland Sea.

This essay considers medieval long distance trades in grain, cattle, and preserved fish as antecedents to today’s globalised movements of foodstuffs.

With this issue of Environment and History, van Dam contributes to the thesis that the expansion of trade systems and the emergence of large-scale human intervention in (formerly) natural ecosystems is a continuous, interactive process with a long history, long before the Industrial Revolution or the discovery of the New Worlds.

The authors identify two distinct forms of masculinity, Australian and Cuban, and proceed to show how men and their rhetoric are overtaken, then transformed, by political and environmental developments not of their choosing.

Based on a case study of the Central Rainlands of Sudan, the paper challenges the assumptions and principles underlying the tragedy of the commons model and the property rights paradigm with regard to sustainability of resources owned in common.