Content Index

This paper discusses the historical identity of the Indian Forest Service, the elite environmental organisation which controlled and managed nearly a third of India during the late nineteenth century.

This article examines the influence of empire forestry on the environmental movement in the United States. It particularly examines the British Indian forestry exemplar, and traces its influence on environmental thinking in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.

Sacred groves in the ancient Mediterranean are compared with surviving groves of South India, particularly Uttara Kannada, to evaluate the roles of these refugia in maintaining balance between human groups and the ecosystems of which they are part.

The Spanish Law of common lands reduction (1855) ordered the Forester Corps (Public Works Department) to prepare a survey of grazing lands, scrublands and woodlands to be sold and the ones to be retained…

This article proposes a strong role for environmental history in informing current policy and debate in the policy field of sustainability (or, sustainable development).

The influence of scientific forestry in southwestern Cameroon (today Southwest Province) is examined.

Industrialising cities of the 19th century are seen as lax in environmental matters. However, Manchester took a strong stand against air pollution.

Reconstructing the environment of Lesotho in order to assess soil erosion at different time scales, highlights conflicting views about the initiation of accelerated erosion.

Drawing on historical and environmental research, this essay examines long-term trends in the ways that mining affected labour and the environment in Latin America.

Prasad counters the proposition that pre-colonial, caste-based, natural resource management regimes were superior, in terms of stability and coherence, to colonial regimes.