Content Index

The project Everyday Futures explores the role museums can play in helping to make sense of Australia’s experiences during a time of rapid planetary change and global disruption.

This article addresses philosophies of becoming by reconsidering Thomas Nagel’s negative view on heterogeneity in his 1974 essay as a form of self-understanding in the context of a shared and heterogeneous world.

Short profiles of university and course syllabi, and collaborative syllabi projects on Environment and Society.

This presentation by Guy Brasseur for the 2016 CCES Competence Center Environment and Sustainability conference “Grand Challenges in Environmental and Sustainability Science and Technology” highlights the existing and upcoming challenges for climate science and climate services.

Gathering Ecologies explores the ethical and political shift towards an ecological conception of the idea of interactivity. It examines the creative potential of differential relations through key concepts from the philosophies of A. N. Whitehead, Gilbert Simondon, and Michel Serres.

In Stolen Future, Broken Present, David A. Collings investigates the relationship between our present impact on the Earth and our perception of the future. He argues that an understanding of our infinite responsibility for ecological disaster could avoid the strange incoherence felt by many in everyday life.

The first episode of the Crosscurrents podcast series focuses on the impact of oil on 20th-century plastic production, geopolitical conflict, and culture.

The Neganthropocene is a collection of essays and lectures focusing on the Anthropocene and the vast semantic horizon it encompasses, from philosophy to politics and the arts, through a renewed thought of the concepts of entropy and negentropy.

The authors provide an overview of the scientific and traditional knowledge that the Zaira community, located in the Solomon Islands, uses to underpin their community-based management regime of Leatherback Sea Turtles. This highlights the important role local communities play in the conservation of iconic species.

The author attempts to reframe the classical distinction in conservation biology between native and invasive species by referring to migration and settlement of nonhuman beings as diasporas. She uses the introduction of Canadian beavers in Chilean Tierra del Fuego in 1947 as a case study.