Content Index

A 20th-century photograph of Salo de Tequendema in Colombia, taken by Gumersindo Cuéllar Jiménez.

The Golillas Dam, one of the works of the Chingaza Páramo project, was the largest infrastructural project in the history of water supply for Bogotá during the twentieth century.

The authors promote the idea of “Natural Governance” as a new approach to conservation based on three pillars, namely ecology, cooperation, and cultural systems.

The author investigates the lives of Tibetan pastoralists in alpine wetlands, how they understand wetlands, and how politics, market forces, and religious norms cooperate to produce their relationships with their livestock and their lands.

Through a case study of the nickel mine Ambatovy in Madagascar, the authors explore local perceptions of the magnitude and distribution of impacts of biodiversity offset projects on local well-being.

In Catastrophic Times: Resisting the Coming Barbarism warns the reader about the possibility that we have already entered a catastrophic time, determined by the apparently uncontrollable impact of anthropogenic activities and the incapability of governments and authorities to respond effectively.

This film presents the interdisciplinary and international project BASYS (Baltic Sea System Studies), financed by the European Union in the years 1996 to 1999, which investigated many aspects and influences of mankind activities on the ecosystem Baltic Sea as well as the natural influences such as climate and weather. A large database accessible to all scientists was collected during the project and should help in the future to distinguish between the natural and human effects upon the ecosystem of the Baltic Sea.

Katharine Suding, plant ecologist and professor at the University of Michigan, outlines the scaling of ecosystem restoration and how scaling is affecting the very notion of restoration in this presentation at the Latsis Symposium 2018.

The authors explore the implementation of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Indigenous knowledge (IK) in mapping efforts, taking cues from previous spatio-temporal visualization work in the Geographic(al) Information System(s)/Science(s) GIS community, and from temporal depictions extant in existing cultural traditions.

In Minimal Ethics for the Anthropocene, Joanna Zylinska outlies an ethical framework that could help humans assume responsibility for various occurrences in the universe across different scales. Her goal is not so much to tell us how to live but rather to allow us to rethink “life” and what we can do with it, in whatever time we have left. The book embraces a speculative mode of thinking that is more akin to the artist’s method; it also includes a photographic project by the author.