Content Index

Deane-Drummond’s article for the Special Commentary section focuses on Pope Francis’s statements about Catholicism, the environment, and social issues. She analyses how his choice of terminology and the concepts he engages set him apart from others speaking out on climate and inequality, and recognizes his contribution to environmental humanities literature.

Northcott’s article for the Special Commentary section discusses the content of Pope Francis’s Laudato si’, highlighting the economic implications of the Pope’s statements and the theological basis for them in the Christian tradition and elsewhere.

Goodchild’s article for the Special Commentary section analyzes Pope Francis’s Laudato si, focusing particularly on the concept of connectedness and the economic changes necessary for the Pope’s statements to become reality.

Harriet Ritvo’s article for the Living Lexicon for the Environmental Humanities section views the proliferation of introduced species as a symptom rather than a cause, and urges the identification of the real causes through a reconsideration of the morally loaded rhetoric within which biological migration and transplantation are often couched.

Vardy and Smith’s article for the Living Lexicon for the Environmental Humanities argues that “resilience signals the pernicious return of structural-functionalism precisely at the moment when much more nuanced, thoughtful, and critical attention should be given to the relationships and differences between and within human and nonhuman populations.”

J. Baird Callicott replies to Thomas Greaves’ rejoinder on Callicott’s previous article, “A NeoPresocratic Manifesto.”

Gremaud’s article analyses representations of nature as brand and resource in current Icelandic society, through an interdisciplinary approach involving cultural geography and visual methodologies.

Chrulew’s response to the Papal Encyclical Laudato si’ for the Special Commentary section discusses the appointment of Pope Francis in 2013, and particularly his call to shift from addressing only Catholics to caring for every living entity on Earth.

From an analysis of 1500 articles published from 2005 to 2013, Anshelm and Hansson distill four storylines representing geoengineering advocacy in the public discourse in mass media.

An early color photograph of the Suna River by Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky (1863–1944), who is also featured in the picture.