Content Index

In this article, Monica Vasile discusses the recent reintroduction of bison in the Romanian Carpathians, and the surrounding local narratives and unresolved tensions.

Examining three natural protected areas in Ecuador and Spain, Cortes-Vazquez and Ruiz-Ballesteros offer a more nuanced understanding of the connection between different regulatory regimes and the formation of environmental subjects, using a phenomenological approach that places more emphasis on the agency of the people subjected to conservation.

Data Refuge is a community-driven, collaborative project to preserve public climate and environmental data. When we document the many ways diverse communities use data, we can also advocate for future data.

Examining the case of the Bellbird Biological Corridor in Costa Rica, Karen Allen argues that conservation policy should reinforce multifaceted social values toward sustainable landscapes, rather than promote economic incentives that reduce environmental benefits to exchange value.

Focusing on Jasper National Park, Megan Youdelis argues that austerity politics create the conditions for a re-articulation of the politics of conservation governance as the interests of parks departments and private sector interests are brought into alignment.

In episode 60 of Nature’s Past, a podcast on Canadian environmental history, two NiCHE editors—Tina Adcock from Simon Fraser University and Claire Campbell from Bucknell University—discuss some new articles and book chapters in Canadian environmental history with Sean Kheraj.

Clotilde Lebreton analyses the discursive, participative, and negotiation practices in the territorialized public action that occurred during the category change of the Nevado de Toluca Protected Area in Mexico from a high conservation status to a more flexible one.

In episode 61 of Nature’s Past, a podcast on Canadian environmental history, Sean Kheraj interviews four North American graduate students on why they study environmental history.

Analyzing the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, Munanura et al. examine how livelihood constraints in poor forest-adjacent communities influence illegal forest use.

Juliet Kariuki, Regina Birner, and Susan Chomba offer an alternative conceptualization to mainstream neoclassical understandings of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), examining roles of formal and informal institutions in influencing equitable outcomes in two Kenyan cases.