Content Index

The comic The Great Transformation. Climate - Can We Beat the Heat? illustrates the 2011 report by the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). In nine episodes, WBGU members take on the role of comic heroes to explain the Great Transformation towards a climate-friendly, sustainable society.

Hugo Reinert uses the highly endangered Lesser White-fronted Goose to develop an argument about a certain “biopolitics of the wild”—a particular mode of governing nonhuman life, rooted in certain conditions of visibility and engagement.

Andrew Mark describes Bob Wiseman’s allegorical piece, Uranium, arguing that it accesses emotion to alter the consciousness of percipients.

Rachel Carson testifying before the Senate Government Operations subcommitte.

This Spring 1994 issue of Entmoot! encourages environmental activists to take direct action about issues such as the eradication of wild salmon and the reintroduction of wolves.

This article introduces this issue of Conservation and Society, and argues strongly for new place-based conservation through a multispecies lens.

Inspired by courses they’ve developed at Stanford, Mike Osborne and Miles Traer created the Generation Anthropocene podcast, a volunteer-based audio show featuring thought leaders.

In this special issue on Disempowering Democracies, Dan Brockington reviews the book Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico (Studies in Comparative Energy and Environmental Politics) by Prakash Kashwan.

Kamaljit Kaur Sangha and Jeremy Russell-Smith propose an integrated ecosystem services (ES) valuation framework for an indigenous savanna estate in northern Australia, describing how capabilities along with biophysical and socio-cultural ES benefits play a vital role for peoples’ well-being.

Allison L. Mayberry, Alice J. Hovorka and Kate E. Evans use qualitative methods to explore human experiences with elephants and perceived impacts of elephants on human well-being in northern Botswana. They emphasize the importance of investigating both visible and hidden impacts of elephants on human well-being to foster holistic understanding of human-elephant conflict scenarios and to inform future mitigation strategies.