

Visions of Australia: Environments in History

About this issue

The contributions in this volume explore the way that Australasian environments have been envisioned, worked, and changed in the past, and how ideas about places inform the present and future of the continent.


Euer Dorf soll schöner werden: Ländlicher Wandel, staatliche Planung und Demokratisierung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Euer Dorf soll schöner werden captures the transformation of Germany’s rural landscape through modernization between 1961 and 1979, through the inter-village contest, “Unser Dorf soll schöner werden” (“May our village become more beautiful”).

Barton, Harry, "The Isle of Harris Superquarry: Concepts of the Environment and Sustainability"

Harry Barton examines a 1991 proposal to embark upon the largest mining project in Europe, on the remote island of Harris and Lewis in Scotland. He argues that different groups perceive their environments differently, and pleads for a wider recognition of this diversity, as well as expansions of concepts of development and sustainability.

Cultivating Arctic Landscapes: Knowing and Managing Animals in the Circumpolar North

Cultivating Arctic Landscapes gives a well-rounded portrait of wildlife management, aboriginal rights, and politics in the circumpolar north. The book reveals unexpected continuities between socialist and capitalist ecological styles, and addresses the problems facing a new era of cultural exchanges between aboriginal peoples in each region.

The Happy Poet

This comedy drama is about a struggling poet who starts a healthy food stand to change the way people eat, and faces the complicated challenges of fighting against the system.