

Signing of the American Antiquities Act

Since June 1906 the Antiquities Act gives the United States federal government the power to protect and preserve areas of public land or resources that hold cultural or historic value.


Unruly Paradise—Nature and Culture in Malibu, California

Looking at nature and culture in Malibu, California, this paper looks at how natural processes occurring in rapid succession—over months and years—have been subject to efforts to turn the area into a tame and orderly garden as part of a linear understanding of progress, closely linked to civility and the cultivation of nature.

Earth First! Journal 19, no. 6

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Alan Featherstone gives an update on the protest of Australian activists against the logging of old growth in Karr, Anne Petermann discusses culture diversity and racism within the EF! movement, and Fernando Reals holds the US Navy responsible for eco-cide, imperialism, colonialism, and militarization in Puerto Rico.

Earth First! Journal 16, no. 4

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Jim Flynn dedicates his editorial to discussing how to think global. Moreover, Mitch Friedman crushes myths regarding civil disobedience and Ron Huber brings good news from the coast of Maine, where the state government finally decided to throw in the towel on a proposed mega-woodchip port.