

Earth First! Journal 20, no. 8

This issue of Earth First! Journal features various stories about the actions to defend Adnyamathanha territory in Australia, the protest against genetic engineering, and the fight against industrial agriculture in Brazil. In addition, Felix Tuodolo tells the story of how Nigerian military opened fire on youths after Shell’s oil spill.

Earth First! Journal 20, no. 6

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Christine Halvorson reports about the march of indigenous Brazilians against 500 years of oppression, and Edward May sheds light on the slaughter of sea lions in British Columbia. The issue also features stories from various actions against capitalism during May Day 2000.

Earth First! Journal 20, no. 4

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Patrick Reinsborough tells the story of the U’wa (“the thinking people”) and their long fight against Los Angeles-based Occidental Petroleum’s (Oxy) effort to drill on their land in Colombia. In addition, Mariposa discusses civil disobedience and how being arrested can lead to empowerment, and Howie Wolke calls for attention to saving the Sapphire roadless area in Western Montana.

Earth First! Journal 20, no. 3

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Christopher Genovali of the Raincoast Conservation Society sheds light on the disturbing absence of grizzly bears in British Columbia, Erica Sweetwater discusses wolf reintroduction in the Adirondacks, and Errol Schweizer interviews Chellis Glendinning on environmentalism and sovereignty.

Earth First! Journal 20, no. 2

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Atossa Soltani gives an update on the campaign to halt the construction of the Guri high-voltage transmission line in Venezuela. In addition, Vivian Stockman calls for attention to coal companies removing mountain tops in West Virginia, and Tim Ream reports about the successful actions in Watch Mountain.

Earth First! Journal 19, no. 8

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Annie Glade expresses her opinions on the human race in her editorial with the title “Suppression of Truth,” Jonathan Crowell reports from the protests against the Aryan Nations, and Thomas Kocherry discusses globalization and whether it leads to development or destruction.