

Earth First! 9, no. 1

In this issue of Earth First!, the EF! women are taking a greater role in the journal than ever before. Barbara Dugelby and Christi Stevens give an update on the occupation of caves in Texas in order to protect endangered bugs, and Reed F. Noss calls for attention to forestry in the Pacific Northwest.

Earth First! 9, no. 3

In this issue of Earth First!, Keith Hammer contributes an article on agency abuse of public lands, Jared Diamond contributes two articles on preserves in New Guinea and on natural history, and David Abram discusses Lynn Margulis’s and James Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis.

Earth First! 8, no. 6

In this issue of Earth First!, Dave Foreman steps down as editor to make way for John Davis. In addition, Captain Paul Watson gives an update on the war against whalers in Japan, Leon Czolgosz tells the story of Great Basin National Park, and the column Rainforest News reports that Scandinavian tree huggers are blocking road building.

Earth First! 12, no. 7

In this issue of Earth First! the Journal Collective announces the appointment of Mike Roselle as editor of the journal, Larry Winslett calls for attention to the threat of 1996 Olympics to Georgia’s Stone Mountain, and R. F. Mueller discusses the US Forest Service and logging.

Earth First! 12, no. 6

In this issue of Earth First! John Green gives an update on the campaign against the timber giant Louisiana-Pacific in the Albion River, Northern California. In addition, an anonymous EF!er responds to Huey Johnson’s editorial on hunting and spirituality, and Erkki Saro reports about the logging plans of old growth forests in Finnish Lapland.

Earth First! 12, no. 3

In this issue of Earth First! Maria Quintana gives an update on the struggles to protect the island Soldier Key in Biscayne National Park, Florida. In addition, Joanne Duffy calls for attention to the endangered longleaf pine forests and Sherman’s fox squirrels, and Mitch Friedman discusses the dynamic face of activism.

Earth First! 12, no. 2

In this issue of Earth First! Allison Slater reflects on the diversity of people within the Earth First! movement. This issue also features a section on Earth First! Australia. In addition, Rod Coronado sheds light on the anarchy of fur farms and “Stella C. Lyons” reports about the decreasing population of Steller sea lions.

Earth First! 12, no. 8

This issue of Earth First! brings good news from the protests against logging on Albion River, Northern California. In addition, Lynn Jacobs talks about the Pinaleno Mountains, Susan Ring discusses the price of wolves, and George Wuerthner raises awareness about the water consumption of cows in the west.

Earth First! Journal 14, no. 7

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Della-Mae Hellbender reports about the arrest of 58 activists at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. In addition, Howard Armstrong calls for attention to the struggles of Dineh (Navajo) families to stay on their land at the Big Mountain, Arizona, and Al Gedicks and Zoltan Grossman give an update on the Exxon Mineral Company’s return to Wisconsin.