

Earth First! Journal 14, no. 1

This issue of Earth First! Journal features stories from the actions against the international observatory project on Mount Graham. Judi Bari discusses the legal question of Earth First!’s existence, Michael Lewis calls for attention to save wolves in Alaska and British Columbia, and Mark Davis writes an open letter to Susan Zakin, author of Coyotes and Town Dogs.

Earth First! Journal 13, no. 7

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Karen Pickett reports about the actions against building on Mount Graham. In addition, Kelpie Wilson discusses overpopulation and politics, “Terra Prima! Victoria” calls for attention to the destruction of native lands in Brazil, and Vistara Parham problematizes the concept of grazing.

Earth First! Journal 13, no. 5

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Karen Pickett calls for attention to the real purpose of the EF! journal and movement. In addition, Gene Lawhorn presents a native peoples’ perspective on environmentalism, and Don Smith and Mike Roselle contribute “Deep Ecology, Animal Rights, and Native People: A Perspective.”

Earth First! Journal 13, no. 4

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Bill Hipwell gives an update on the monkeywrenching actions against helicopters to save wolves in Yukon Territory, northern Canada; Danielle Droitsch argues that Champion International’s Canton (North Carolina paper mill) poisons the Pigeon River; George Wuerthner discusses biodiversity and snails; and Elaine Lissner discusses non-hormonal male contraception.

Earth First! Journal 13, no. 3

In this issue of Earth First! Journal, Animal Liberation Front spokesperson Rob Coronado discusses the difficulties that Earth First!ers face against the US government and the FBI. In addition, Anne Petermann brings good news on the actions against logging in the Green Mountain National Forest, and Judi Bari, Trudy Frisk, Cecelia Ostrow and others contribute various perspectives on ecofeminism.

Earth First! Journal 13, no. 2

In this issue of Earth First! Journal, Randy Ghent reports on the actions against the MAXXAM/Pacific Lumber logging company in California. In addition, Jean Eisenhower contributes a historical overview of the battle for Mount Graham, and Dave Foreman discusses perspectives on Earth First!, direct action, civil disobedience, and “ecotage.”