

Earth First! 7, no. 4

In this issue of Earth First!, Chant Thomas writes about the “Return to Bald Mountain” and the “second battle of the North Kalmiopsis,” while Roger Featherstone gives an update on the fight against uranium mining at the Grand Canyon.

Earth First! 7, no. 2

In this issue of Earth First!, Howie Wolke debates the negative consequences of roadbuilding on the public lands. Captain Paul Watson gives an update about the butchering of whales on Iceland, Laura Gold sorts out the concept of Wilderness, and the Earth First!ers of the LA area call for a boycott of the Los Angeles Zoo.

Earth First! 7, no. 1

This issue of Earth First! features news concerning the protests held in 60 locations against the World Bank and its associated banks. Reed F. Noss puts focus on biodiversity and Tom Stottard contributes a short story entitled “Zu Zaz’s Close Shave.”

Earth First! 7, no. 7

In this issue of Earth First!, John Patterson and Jean Ravine bring good news from the protests against the Grand Canyon uranium mines, George Wuerthner contributes an essay entitled “An Ecological View of the Indian,” editor Dave Foreman writes an open letter to the bioregional movement concerning criticism of the ecological cause, and Chim Blea discusses spirituality.

Earth First! 4, no. 7 [misprinted as no. 8]

In this issue Matt Veenker gives an update from the logging blockades in Middle Santiam, Oregon; Mike Roselle is threatened with legal action and several Earth First! activists are under arrest; Mike Bond discusses Civil Disobedience in Montana; Denzel and Nancy Ferguson problematize the issue of public goods; and editor Dave Forman writes about how to be professional within the radical environmental movement.

Earth First! 6, no. 2

In this issue of Earth First!, Texas EF!’ers give an update on their fight for protecting pine beetles, pecans, and rivers; Holly Jensen discusses the fight for Icelandic whales; George Wuerthner is exploring the importance of the bioregional approach to designate wilderness areas; and Eric Holle debates the relocation of the Navajo-Hopi.

Earth First! 5, no. 3

In this issue Mike Roselle describes how the people of Meares Island, Canada, struggle with a forestry corporation; Leon Czolgosz discusses military land grab; Scott Ploger describes the current situation for grizzlies in Yellowstone National Park; and Howie Wolke reminds the readers about Earth First! position within the enviromental movement.

Norwegian Government Implements Carbon Tax on Emissions due to Acid Rain

Earth First! 5, no. 4

This issue of Earth First! features the demonstration against the Canyonlands Nuke Dump (for nuclear waste) by a group of EF!ers. Steve Smith and Barbara Steele discuss the demonstration for wilderness in Montana, R. F. Mueller and Mona Saxena describe how Swedish technocrats are a threat to a salmon river, and the effects of acid rain are problematized.

Earth First! 5, no. 5

In this issue of Earth First! an essay by Bob Spertus on the “Dark Side of Wilderness” is featured; Michael Hamilton discusses professionalism, compromise, and co-option in the environmental movement; and news items from Alaska to Africa, from Florida to British Columbia, about forests, deserts, and beaches are presented.