global policy

Managing the Unknown: Essays on Environmental Ignorance

Managing the Unknown offers essays that show that deficient knowledge is a far more pervasive challenge in resource history than conventional readings suggest. Furthermore, environmental ignorance does not inevitably shrink with the march of scientific progress. This volume combines insights from different continents as well as the seas in between and thus sketches outlines of an emerging global resource history.

The United Nations Seabed Arms Control Treaty

In 1971, the United Nations initiates the ratification of the Seabed Arms Control Treaty, which protects the world’s seabeds from the introduction of nuclear weapons and waste.


Stockholm Declaration of 1972 Broadly Recognizes Global Environmental Issues

The Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm signifies the first time that environmental issues were formally recognized on the global stage, and guidelines to address these problems were endorsed by 113 countries.