soil pollution

About the Exhibition

About the Exhibition

About the exhibition Toxic Relationships

Oggetti testardi: tradurre i rifiuti

David-Christopher Assmann scrive un testo narrativo per raccontare la sua ricerca che verte su come la narrativa e la poesia abbiamo esplorato e trattato il tema dei rifiuti. Questa meta-narrativa ci ricorda quanto i rifiuti siano difficili da trattare, anche attraverso le convenzioni letterarie.

Why Europe Responded Differently from the United States

Why Europe Responded Differently from the United States

This is Chapter 9 of the exhibition “Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring: A book that changed the world” by historian Mark Stoll.



Overview of the exhibition “Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring: A book that changed the world” by historian Mark Stoll. This exhibition presents the global reception and impact of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.