global warming

climate change

"Preparing for Catastrophe on the Polar Frontier: An Antarctic Field Training Manual"

In this Special Section on Familiarizing the Extraterrestrial / Making Our Planet Alien, edited by Istvan Praet and Juan Francisco Salazar, Jessica O’Reilly compares the paramilitary practicalities of Antarctic research station and field camp life with the visions of the Antarctic as a place of sublime wild nature, violent death, and climate disaster.

Weather Matters

“Understanding the human implications of climate change,” the tagline of the Weather Matters hub, reveals it as a space for conversation among scholars and stakeholders concerned about climate change.

Die Klimazwiebel

Die Klimazwiebel is a bilingual (German and English) climate blog started by a group of natural and social scientists in 2009. It aims for sustainable dialogue between climate warners and skeptics alike.

The Great Warming

The Great Warming is a three-part Discovery Channel television series on the effects of anthropogenic global warming. Narrated by Alanis Morissette and Keanu Reeves, it takes a trip around the world to reveal how climate change is affecting people’s lives.

Tipping Point

On a journey through the Northwest Passage, this film examines the devastating effects of the Arctic’s disappearing sea ice on the planet’s climate and ecosystems.

Gas Hole

This film criticizes America’s dependency on oil, explains how oil companies were able to establish their power, and provides information on viable and affordable alternatives to petroleum fuel.