indigenous peoples

The Nature of German Imperialism: Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa

The Nature of German Imperialism: Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa. Cover.

Gissibl, Bernhard. The Nature of German Imperialism: Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2016.

ALARM no. 4

This issue of the ALARM celebrates 500 years of indigenous resistance, for example with “Columbus sucks” actions. Anne Petermann discusses voting rights and voting’s potential for change; Judi Bari brings good news from the actions to save redwoods in northern California; Steve Taylor updates readers on the Shawnee forest in southern Illinois; and Abbey Edwards writes on Native American land ethics.

ALARM no. 8

In this issue of the ALARM includes a report on a Native Forest Network (NFN) activist’s arrest for protesting the destruction of roadless areas by the U.S. Forest Service in Idaho; a report of environmental devastation resulting from international initiatives such as toxic waste trade in Somalia; local news of a golf course threatening to expand into sacred Mohawk burial grounds; and a report on the economic development standoff of the Paugeesukq Nation and the state of Connecticut. Fiery Virus continues the argument against biotechnology from the previous issue. Orin Langelle and Anne Petermann present a thorough investigation of the situation in James and Hudson Bay, Northern Quebec, where people fight against Hydro-Quebec.

ALARM no. 11

The local group Massachusetts Earth First! has produced this issue of the ALARM. In it, readers are asked to write letters of encouragement to prisoners of conscience; Don Ogden calls for attention to the Western Abenaki people and their struggle for the health of their fishing waters; and Barbara McGovern updates readers on the radioactive waste management proposal in Massachusetts.

Earth First! 29, no. 1

Earth First! 29, no. 1 reports on the movement’s victory against the Pacific Lumber Company, the climate and anti-racist camp in Germany, the Northeast Climate Confluence, the international movement of camps and convergences for climate action, and repression against animal activists in Austria.

Earth First! Journal 20, no. 6

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Christine Halvorson reports about the march of indigenous Brazilians against 500 years of oppression, and Edward May sheds light on the slaughter of sea lions in British Columbia. The issue also features stories from various actions against capitalism during May Day 2000.